"An advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport."
Author: Mike Cordingley
Quote of the Day
Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of Bogata, Columbia -
Trafford Budget Debate – Variations on a theme of Pickles worship
Local public services have taken the biggest hit from this government. It's the poorer areas that have taken the biggest hit. Surrey actually gets an increase in its funding.
Labour called for Tory Trafford council to make representation to Government that the cuts would impact on the most needy, and adjourn setting a budget until March giving time for the Government to respond. It's clear that Eric Pickles has determined to target northern (mainly Labour) councils. We've seen £1bn taken out of Greater Manchester with the loss of 22,000 jobs.
There was a real opportunity for the Tories in Trafford – the tory flagship authority to take on Pickles. They hint they think that too much has been cut. But when it comes to taking on Pickles, they become like the little green aliens worshiping the Grab and become incapable of standing up for Trafford.
Oooh Pickles!
So it wasn't going to be the best debate. They wanted Labour to surrender and come up with a budget of our own based on their loss of courage. Andrew Western (Priory Ward) gave a robust attack. Brian Shaw from Davyhulme was probably their best speaker on the night but it was a depressing night. The risks for the most vulnerable are there to see for all.
As for the Lib Dems. It's so long now since they made any useful contribution, I can't tell them apart from the Tories.
More Cuts for Trafford
Budget Meeting
Full council meets tonight to set a budget for 2014/15.Trafford will cut its spending by £4,451,000 from £159.003m to £154.552m or 2.8%. When you take cost pressures into account it's £17m… and it's going to get worse.Spending Gap
Floods – You don’t need a Weatherman…
When Cameron is this desparate, you know the Tories want to deflect the sunlight.
Cameron's yard-dogs have been blaming everyone during the floods. They've been smearing and leaking about the Environment Agency; they've been pointing the fingers at Councils, even Conservative run Councils; and they've been desparately dredging for reasons to blame anyone.
The Tories were right to be worried as there's a devastating piece in the Guardian today pinning the blame squarely at Cameron. The article explains:
- Changing demand has led to increased Maize production for animal feed
The nature of Maize means that:
Farmers have been ploughing land that was previously untilled and switching from spring to winter sowing, leaving the soil bare during the rainy season. And thanks to a wholesale change in the way the land is cultivated, the water – instead of percolating into the ground – is now pouring off the field.
Farmers have been ploughing land that was previously untilled and switching from spring to winter sowing, leaving the soil bare during the rainy season. And thanks to a wholesale change in the way the land is cultivated, the water – instead of percolating into the ground – is now pouring off the field.
Labour saw it coming. In 2005 it warned, "increased run-off and sediment deposition can also increase flood hazard in rivers".
​ - Labour turned this advice into conditions attached to farm subsidies. Ground cover crops should be sown under the maize and the land should be ploughed, then resown with winter cover plants within 10 days of harvesting, to prevent water from sheeting off.
So why isn't this happening in Somerset?
"Because the current government dropped the conditions. Sorry, not just dropped them. It issued – wait for it – a specific exemption for maize cultivation from all soil conservation measures."
"It's hard to get your head round this. The crop which causes most floods and does most damage to soils is the only one which is completely unregulated."​
How an obese town lost a million pounds weight
Oklahoma City is a midsized town that had a big problem: It was among the most obese towns in America. Mayor Mick Cornett realized that, to make his city a great place to work and live, it had to become healthier too.
Mick Cornett displays a quality not always evident in stereo-typical local politicians; he's prepared to take on inertia within the system, and take a journey of transformation, just not of himself, but of the entire city.
Website update
Spending a little time over Christmas renovating the website. It’s getting tired looking – like its owner I hear you cry.