Author: Mike Cordingley

  • What a week!

    What a week!

    The induction’s over. It’s been quite a heavy week as the routine starts to kick in. Labour Away Day – Saturday Political parties are strange things. People have different motivations. Whether to rule or to represent, how to shape our local places, climbing up the ladder to get a better job. So, we’re a disparate…

  • We hear good words but we’re not delivering the change needed

    We hear good words but we’re not delivering the change needed

    I’m indebted to my colleague Councillor Jill Axford for sharing this video. Jill herself has been ahead of the curve with regard to climate change for a long time. She’s absolutely spot on. We’re nowhere near where we need to be. We must stop deceiving ourselves that technological solutions will make it all disappear. Please…

  • AI puts the mystery back into doing the Councillor thing

    AI puts the mystery back into doing the Councillor thing

    As I strolled through the streets of this typical neighbourhood, an inexplicable feeling tugged at the back of my mind. It was as if there were a hushed emptiness lingering in the air, whispering secrets that went unnoticed by most. I couldn’t shake off the sense that there were more vacant houses than usual, their…

  • I’m back as councillor and it feels so good

    I’m back as councillor and it feels so good

    Let the light in I’ve always been committed to keeping people informed. Hopefully, you’ll get a sense of what I’ve been doing and be able to tell me what I’m doing wrong or doing right. I’m hoping to get my email address and phone number working this week and I’ll publish them as soon as…

  • Why are cycle lanes happening, Everywhere?

    Why are cycle lanes happening, Everywhere?

    A voter asks Can you tell me what you think of the situation with regard to cycle lanes, which are being increased by a very large number all around Stretford, Trafford and most other surrounding areas? It is a driver’s worst nightmare and it no longer matters when you are travelling. There used to be…

  • It looks like a busy meeting of Trafford’s Executive next Monday

    It looks like a busy meeting of Trafford’s Executive next Monday

    It seems to be a packed agenda for Monday’s meeting. It’s here that we get the best insight as to how the council is working. There’s a few initiatives reaching report stage and a few projects that are beginning to get going. Agenda Highlights Trafford Supported Housing Strategy This is probably the most important item…