Author: Mike Cordingley

  • Weekly Update 8th December 2018

    Weekly Update 8th December 2018


    Back from a family wedding in Edinburgh; I’m absolutely blown away by the bus services there. Every bus stop I used had real-time information. The buses were frequent and direct – it was about 20 minutes into town for £1.70. They seemed to be used by all classes of folk. There was lots of information on the bus including details of the next stop.

    Since getting home I’ve tried to understand the differences between Scotland and England with regard to buses. The main operator in Edinburgh is Lothian buses and they’re a municipal company owned by a number of councils. I think there’s the rub. By all means let other operators operate but set the standards that the others have to follow. It makes a profit too (Annual Accounts 2017) 

    Learn that Amey are looking for a buyer and the controversial Private Equity Group – Greybull are the most likely buyer. The ft describes Greybull’s business model as:

    The firm’s approach is to find troubled companies that have assets but weak cash flows. It then presses stakeholders — from investors who sell out, to customers and suppliers — to minimise the stake it must actually put up.

    FT – Greybull eyes profit from Monarch Collapse

    Clearly not of our making and but yet another questionable policy choice of the previous Tory administration.

    Civic Quarter Masterplan Meeting

    The last of the big consultation meetings was held in the evening. This is in relation to a strategic planning document in relation to an area centring on Trafford Town Hall. Because this area is attracting increased developmental interest primarily because of the proposed University but also because of retail, leisure and housing pressures. A finger in the air assessment would make it about 80% prohibitive and 20% enabling.

    As is normal with these sorts of proposals it’s the developments that the plan suggests and enables that attract the most attention. I am focussing below on three aspects that were of concern on my table in the evening.

    A civic square

    In front of the Town Hall and alongside the proposed University.

    Civic Square
    Currently Car Parking – A new civic square crossed by Talbot Road (wellbeing route) and Warwick Road (processional route)

    • Creating a high quality urban square that would become an everyday destination, as well as a congregating space for match and event days, and other civic functions
    • Finely integrated with Talbot Road and Brian Statham Way
    • Flexible design and street furniture that is inviting for everyday uses, but can accommodate large masses on match and event days
    • Opportunities for accommodating spill-out and temporary structures for events and activities
    • A high quality pavilion building active on all sides offering quality food and drink offer

    Whilst described as a civic square, a lot of residents have questioned whether its ‘Fanzone’ use is the more prevalent intended role. Ideal for Test Matches, but does it work for Manchester United matches? Is it not too far from their ground? Are there enough fans coming in on the Tram to the Old Trafford stop? As a civic space on non-event days are there enough people around even with the University?

    Wellbeing Route – Talbot Road

    • Accentuating the road’s green character by adding more street trees and creating a boulevard
    • De-engineering the street – narrowing the carriageway, widening footpaths, lowering kerbs, etc.
    • Designated bike lane – create a strategic route that aligns with the principles and is part of the network of Manchester’s new Beelines
    • Use of high quality materials to create a distinctive sense of place
    • Multiple road crossings to aid permeability of pedestrian movement
    • One side of the street to accommodate an ‘active ribbon’ – furniture and signage for activities and recreation, including running track, outdoor gym, ping pong tables, kids’ play etc.
    • Supercrossing at junction with Great Stone Road – potentially a diagonal crossing – to create a direct link with the existing Stretford Leisure ‘Talbot Centre’.

    Residents rightly questioned the displacement affect onto Chester Road. It’s a road that has received a lot of cycle infrastructure investment over the past couple of years so there has been questions as to whether the priority lies elsewhere. I have heard a lot of support for the Greatstone Road ‘supercrossing’ and I think this is welcome. However, the vision of a running track has generally been received sceptically and I think we might need to carry on the discussion more about the Wellbeing Route.

    Processional Route – Brian Statham Way / Warwick Road

    Vision (from the masterplan)

    Today Brian Statham Way and Warwick Road are a direct, if unremarkable, link between Old Trafford Metrolink station, Lancashire Cricket Club, Trafford Town Hall and, across Chester Road, Manchester United FC. The Processional Route as defined in the adopted Core Strategy has an aspiration to ultimately link the Civic Quarter to MediaCityUK .

    The SPD reimagines the link as a pedestrianised ceremonial route, amplifying the connection between the two stadia; a space to accommodate fans on match day and welcome them on every other day of the year to celebrate the uniqueness of this place and its history.

    I think the authors have to acknowledge that they haven’t given enough profile in that vision to the residents who live on Warwick Road and the side roads off it – Hornby Road and Barlow Road. Although there was some concern about prohibiting motor vehicles from Brian Statham Way, particularly in regard to safety, I think those concerns can be met by opening up the ‘Civic Square’ and making it a much busier area. I am more concerned about Warwick Road.

    It’s clear to me that we’re already imposing on Warwick Road with regard to marathons as well as Rugby and Football matches, sometimes on the same weekend. In increasing the ‘processional role’ we’ve got to ensure that residents can live their lives and use their cars. We can neither lock them in nor lock them out. They have to have access, and this needs to be a key protection within the SPD. It may be that non residential traffic is prohibited on event days but those residents need access.


    Meeting with Lostock Partnership and Friends of Lostock Park.

    I’m particularly keen that we never forget our youth. We have made damaging cuts over the years that will cost us all in the long run. Crazy politics. Thankfully, Lostock Partnership have taken on the lease of the youth centre. At the moment we’re trying to scrape together what youth provision we can from there, but in the long run I think we have to bring back a full provision and at least we’ll still have the building to run them from.


    Library volunteering and video stream of planning committee.

    Why am I watching a planning committee that I don’t sit on?

    An application for affordable housing in Hale supported by all Labour. I can’t remember the last time affordable housing was permitted in an area where it was most needed. It’s taken a Labour administration and it felt really good watching the video stream.

    It really is worth voting.


    Horrible day. I know she was only a cat, but learning that a pet you’ve had for nearly 20 years is too ill to ever come back home from the vets with you is still quite a knock.

    RIP  YoYo

  • Weekly Update 1st December

    Weekly Update 1st December


    Gorgeous Gorse Hill Christmas Fayre in the morning, minding the plant sale table. Fabulous group and delighted to be a part of.

    Campaigning in the afternoon with Andrew Gwynne MP in Sale


    Executive Briefing – Updates on a variety of issues including:


    Budget Scrutiny looking at Children’s and Adult Services.


    Pupil Disciplinary Committee at Lostock


    Budget Scrutiny looking at risk and ability to deliver services to budget. We were meant to receive our final spending settlement from government but the Brexit mess in parliament meant it was cancelled. Government business is increasingly grinding to a halt. I don’t know the answer – there seems to be an inability in parliament to end its game playing and self preening. Parliament needs a refresh from the speaker downwards.

    Friday to Monday

    Edinburgh – for family wedding

  • Hotel at Warwick Road

    Hotel at Warwick Road

    A 212 bedroom hotel is proposed at the corner of Chester Road and Warwick Road where the bronze windowed offices currently stand. In many ways I’m in favour. However at ground level, I feel the hotel fails to deliver sufficient active frontage on either road but particularly on Warwick Road.

    It should feel as though you’re invited in and interested in the restaurant. It’s an important building and could trigger quite a renaissance for ‘Red Chippy Village’ if it’s developed appropriately, so I believe it’s appropriate for me to object to the development at this stage. I of course hope that the architects revisit the frontage at ground level to improve the interaction with people passing by.

    My representation to planners

    95591/FUL/18 | City Point 701 Chester Road Stretford M32 0RWObjection

    I wish to make the following objection in respect of the above planning application to demolish the current office block and build a hotel on the site which is in Gorse Hill Ward.

    I’m in favour of the application to demolish the current building. My understanding is that whilst aesthetically the office is acceptable, it contains a number of structural flaws that have made it historically hard to let.

    I am also in favour of the change of use for the site to a hotel and consider the height and scale to be appropriate to a site which visually links Manchester United/Hotel Football and developments on Talbot Road linked to the Civic Quarter.

    I appreciate that the height exceeds the specification in the emerging Civic Quarter Masterplan but believe it appropriate for a key site in the Masterplan area and its stated aim to bring about an evening economy. The location is very much in what is colloquially described as Red Chippy Village and will contribute to the evolution of this area to deliver a more comprehensive offering to visitors and supporters.

    However, I’m very disappointed that at ground level the proposed hotel does not provide a sufficiently active frontage on either Chester Road or Warwick Road and as such fails to deliver key outcomes towards the Civic Quarter aspirations. I believe this is a key deficiency and sufficient to reject the proposal as it stands, but one which should be relatively easy to rework to provide active ground floor frontages on BOTH Chester Road and Warwick Road.

    I am not enamoured of the proposed finish to the building as shown on the artist impressions. I believe that it can be improved. I am pleased there are no balconies and hope that this means that there should be no possible interaction or goading between patrons of the hotel and supporters in Warwick Road.

    There is also shown on the plans, an outcrop over the pavement on Warwick Road. I am worried that this extends too far into the road and cut be hit by high vehicles.

    I am inclined to OBJECT to the proposal until active frontages are designed into the scheme but am otherwise supportive albeit I believe the finish can be improved.

    If active frontages can be introduced my objection would substantially diminish. However it would of course be dependent upon considerate construction as the demolition and construction phases are likely to be disruptive to nearby neighbours particularly those residents on Hornby Road and Warwick Road. This would be a major development so close to houses and would require the fullest consideration of the impact on their daily lives.

    Mike Cordingley

  • Weekly Update 24th – 30th November 2018

    Weekly Update 24th – 30th November 2018


    Two sessions of campaigning in Davyhulme.

    Issues raised included George Carnall, leaf clearing, potholes and road resurfacing. My sense is that voters are willing to give Trafford Labour more time and appreciate that only Labour is willing to listen.


    Growing ever more frustrated with parliament and the inability of the parties there to deal with Brexit. The nonsense coming out of mouths on the various front-benches is shocking. Those who pronounce proudly and authoritatively that there’s no parliamentary majority for ‘no deal’ miss the point that ‘no deal’ is not a thing to support, it’s the absence of a thing to support.  Brexit will not deliver the Transitional Program beloved of 2nd rate university staff-rooms. If mainstream politics is collapsing in on itself,  we all suffer.


    Council Executive, plus various briefings; a really worthwhile day. Looking forward to the arrival of Sara Todd as Trafford’s new chief executive. Hearing only good things about Sara. I believe she has a background in planning but respected across the board.


    Debate over Trafford’s civic quarter masterplan continues. Some are missing the point that masterplans are roughly 80% about what should not be built in a place and about 20% in communicating a vision about how what can be built might link together. There are some who argue that that the civic quarter masterplan should be scrapped; perversely because they don’t want any development.


    Full council meeting: big item is the Breaking Point motion. The £1.6bn cut to next year’s local government funding must be reversed. Whilst it’s a Labour campaign, only Trafford’s Tories failed to support the motion. The cuts to local government are an act of safe harm. No area of public spending is more important for the general welfare of the country. More cuts to street cleansing, social care, support for families, bins and we’re seeing crime rise, filthy streets, grids that no longer drain. The vitality of the country is fundamentally weakened by this ill-conceived policy. Time to reverse the harm they’ve imposed on us.


    Caught up on the outcomes of the previous evening’s public meeting in Old Trafford regarding the private car park on Seymour Grove. Lots of constituents have received tickets for legitimate parking to shop at Iceland and Superdrug and then followed up with very aggressive fines.

    The two people I’ve been supporting through this had attended and it was good to hear it had gone well.

    Library volunteering in the afternoon.


    No major meetings caught up with a few things.

  • Weekly Update 17th-23rd November

    Weekly Update 17th-23rd November

    Saturday 17th Nov

    Having been reselected to stand again to be councillor, time to put a calling card together for the three of us. Trying to get all four of us (including Kate) onto an envelope sized card together with a message that will serve us until the start of the election is not as easy as it sounds but I think I’ve cracked it (just waiting for it to be printed now). For techies out there I use a programme called Scribus.

    Sunday 18th Nov

    Having got the leaflet out of the way, I do a bit of work on the GorseTalk Web site.

    I know! It’s a bit over the top for a Councillor to have a website but it’s something I want to do. And it has provided me with new skills. Before I was elected in 2007 I’d had no reason to learn html, never mind all the skills that go into a modern responsive website. I am (and there’s no point in hiding it) quite proud of it. I’ve yet to find a better ward Councillor site.

    Also take a trip to Gorse Hill to check on a paving stone.

    Monday 19th Nov

    Meeting I was due to have was cancelled, but soon busy righting the large plant pots in Lostock Park that have been tipped over yet again. I think this behaviour is going to continue. We discuss possible remedies. I think I favour placing the six pots in two groups of three so it’s more difficult to push and rock them over. The other suggestion is really staking or concreting them down. They’re just so top heavy, and rockable, it’s hard to see anything holding them. Something like this, repeatedly happening, always begs questions on the behaviour of modern youth. I”ve hit 60 but I tend to the view that as a teenager we’d have given it a go in pushing these pots over. So I’m not pronouncing that it’s a deterioration in behaviour. They’re just so inviting and very much a test of strength.

    I just want them to test their strength in putting them back up. I’m almost at my limit!

    And the pots are back down again and it’s raining so we need a solution. Really positive response on Facebook. I’ve emailed the council office who’s been liaising with the Partnership. One additional solution might be to plant them up in their current position possibly embedded.

    To The Gasometer Dismantling Information British Gas were holding in Gorse Hill. Heartening to hear 2nd hand feedback from the staff, that they were struck how everyone seemed to know everyone in Gorse Hill.

    Wednesday 21st Nov

    Drafted a report of Friday’s meeting at Stretford High School. I’m keen to improve our rates of physical activity especially when one looks at rates of diabetes etc. However, it’s one thing to want to see active travel increase but making the right interventions is not always easy and you’ve got to be wary of just creating a soon forgotten photo op and press release. I’ve been consulting with similar minded people.

    Attended the School Governors forum where one of the subjects was clean air and transport.

    Casework Update – Doesn’t look likely the United urinals will be back this weekend but Trafford officers are showing a real keenness to get this sorted.

    Thursday 22nd November

    Library volunteering and heavy casework load. The casework is mainly centring on a car park at Seymour Grove for Iceland and Superdrug. The private parking enforcement company it seems to me are operating in a very questionable manner. Their appeal processes don’t seem to be working and there are allegations of links between the ‘independent’ governing body and the solicitors this parking company are using.

    If you do get stung  at this car park and you don’t think you’ve breached the parking conditions, do report to Citizens Advice but don’t ignore the ticket.

    There is a meeting at St Johns in Old Trafford on Wednesday regarding this at 7pm.

    Friday 23rd November 2018

    Meeting of the Capital and Policy sub-committee of Transport for Greater Manchester. Really thin gruel in terms of the agenda but there followed a big discussion under any other business on the role of councils in feeding into the wider policy agenda.

    It is long overdue that we take back a little control; or at least influence.

    Reported back to Executive colleagues on this.

    Additionally, caught up with Angeliki Stogia from Manchester on how they’re relaunching their community speed camera activity in Whalley Range. It’s something I want to bring to Gorse Hill Ward.

  • Weekly Update November 10th-16th

    Weekly Update November 10th-16th

    Saturday 10th November

    Remembrance South Manchester Synagogue 

    Invited by my good friend Bernard Sharp to attend the synagogue for their remembrance. Great to see such a large civic turnout for such a poignant event. It’s quite a cycle to Bowdon but thoroughly worthwhile for such a nicely balanced service which started with laments and ended with Happy Birthday. 

    Sunday 11th November

    Civic Remembrance

    Really well attended civic remembrance parade at Stretford Cenotaph. I’m always uncomfortable as a councillor on these days; my predecessors were after all, the recruiting sergeants for such a tragic loss of life in the Great War. Young men sent for sacrifice in a war between empires. The Peter Jackson film ‘They shall not grow old” shown in the evening was just so moving and presented real-life footage of the appalling circumstances we placed those boys in. Just awful.

    We will remember them.

    Monday 12th November

    Caught up with emails after a busy few days. We’d had a carpet fitted on the Friday so everything had been squeezed into one room.

    Attended the Town Hall in the evening for briefings.

    Oh and went to see the gasometers.

    Tuesday 13th November

    Really informative presentation from the Trafford Assist team. I used to work in Social Security. This would have been called urgent payments, then social fund. What really impressed me today was the extent to which the staff were empowered to look at the cause. We still don’t put enough money into welfare; it’s very much the manifestation of a civilised society but they’re a great team and I was really impressed.

    Wednesday 14th November

    Distracted by Brexit. What a mess. Seems fitting that this was the week we commemorated the loss of life in the Great War. That was probably the last time we had such a pathetic elite in the centres of Europe. Is there anybody in London or Brussels, Government or Opposition, who realises the enormity of this car crash? Do they not realise that actually people expect their representatives to be working for solutions, not this daytime gameshow disaster piece set on repeat?

    Anybody not swearing at the news this week has my absolute respect. I didn’t manage it.

    Thursday 15th November

    Escape to sanity. Afternoon stint volunteering in Lostock Library and then a really positive meeting of Lostock College Governors.

    Friday 16th November

    And a delightful meeting at Stretford High meeting Mrs Brindley, the school’s deputy head to tell her about our ambition to have more children walking and cycling to school. It looks like it’s something we can work together on, particularly with the civic quarter being on their doorstep.

    Because Stretford High School is so popular, it means the catchment is relatively small. It has a huge proportion of it’s pupils travelling less than a mile. Yet so many of those kids are driven into school. Lindsay pointed out the irony of encouraging a daily mile once they’re in school when the journey into school could be made part of the day. That said, there are reasons why families prefer to drive their kids to school and mostly it’s not the school, so we have to bring other agencies (highways, police, mosques etc) into it. But it seems such an appropriate time to be doing this; and it should be a measure of the success of the civic quarter that more Stretford High School pupils are walking and cycling to school.

    I genuinely believe we can be transformational.