Author: admin

  • Tesco and Cricket Ground Planning Application 74393/FULL/2009

    The application has finally been submitted. It is a single application encompassing the Tesco superstore. This is an important opportunity for we as residents to have our say.

    Tesco from Chester Road

    Is the store too big? Is it going to be too noisy? What about traffic? What will be the effect on town centre?

    Well, in reality we know the answers to these questions, since these were exactly the same issues that led to refusal 5 years ago of an application for a much smaller store. The impact of the larger store on a much more fragile local retail economy can only be worse than determined 5 years ago.  The only reason Tesco believes it will succeed with its application this time is the link with Lancashire Cricket Club.

    However, it is this link with the cricket club that gives most unease. It’s not Tesco giving the finances to the cricket club, in reality the rate-payers of Trafford are paying £21m to the cricket club.

    So what’s the deal – How does it work?

    Tesco already own part of the site on which they want to build the store but the remainder belongs to the school and for the past 4 or 5 years it has been designated for the building of a sports barn.  Rather than use this land, the school have been temporarily utilising with permission, part of Gorse Hill Park which they’ve fenced off. This sizable chunk of Gorse Hill Park will become the School’s permanent property supplemented with even more land from the park.

    People have compared the whole deal as like trying to keep your eye on which cup is covering the ball. Well at this point, the school is ok because although it’s losing a playing field, it’s getting another playing field back. It’s actually the people of Gorse Hill that are losing out as they’re losing a substantial chunk of their park to the school.

    But aren’t Tesco’s compensating for the loss of park land?

    Even the Conservative Leader, Matthew Colledge has written that Tesco is paying well over the market value for the playing field. He argues that it is only by joining up the two pieces of land can the full value be realised. He’s partially right, although his assertion that the playing field is only worth about a million seems to be worryingly undervalued. However,  the trouble is that the ‘compensation’ is being bundled up and given to the cricket club.

    What does the cricket club add to the deal?

    There’s no easy answer to this question. Yes, they’re a private club, and yes some of the access the cricket club is said to be providing, in allowing the school to use the outfield at the club’s discretion, seems to be ridiculously contrived, but the cricket club is nevertheless a prized asset to the Borough. So we as Labour Councillors are not going to denigrate the payout as simply paying for gold-plated toilet seats for the members. But we firmly believe that the £21m is too easily given away. We would not want to lose the cricket ground, but £21m is the equivalent of a million pounds community project in every ward.  So firstly there’s the opportunity cost of all those projects that could have been provided. But then there is the delicate question of how much confidence we can have in the cricket club using the capital wisely? We would be much happier if the cricket club had a track record of successful delivery, but to be blunt, the stadium and ground hasn’t become sub-standard overnight.  Has the club fully accounted for the reduced TV money that’s likely to accrue from Ashes tests, if Sky TV are no longer allowed to bid for exclusive rights? We think £21m is too much and if we have to have Tesco, then the amount handed over should be reduced.

    There’s almost an unspoken implication in Matthew Colledge’s letter that Tesco is being charitable and really are doing this to help the cricket club out of a hole it finds itself in. He argues that the people of Trafford are not losing anything since they are paying over the odds for a piece of land that has no value and no one wants.  We have already seen that we lose parkland to replace the land and this does have value to the residents of Gorse Hill. Certainly, it seems ridiculous that sports led regeneration leaves us still with a shabby sports centre.

    Labour councillors and in particular, our very own Dave Acton, have consistently tried to question the links between the land sale to Tesco, the land grab of park land, and the handout to the cricket club. Repeatedly the Conservative Councillors have suppressed debates in the democratic forums.

    We’re left with a planning application for a sports-led regeneration combined with a very much linked project for an Academy that:

    • Takes away part of our communally owned park land
    • Imposes a gigantic superstore to the already acknowledged detriment of town centres like Stretford and Chorlton and the neighbourhood parades like Ayres Road
    • Packs two schools into one very constrained space – providing little potential for expansion and removing the plausibility of an integrated 6th form
    • Amazingly, still provides practically no improvement to sports access. Where is the dilapidated Stretford Sports Centre in all this?

    But it gets worse, the council are taking decisions with huge long-term implications and it seems to be simply bedazzled by the kudos of financing the Lancashire Cricket Ground. Everything seems to be secondary to that ribbon cutting day when it’s announced that Old Trafford hosts a cricket match, weather permitting.

    Councillor Mike Cordingley

  • Concerts at Manchester United

    At Thursday’s Planning Committee Gorse Hill Councillors Mike Cordingley and Dave Acton spoke passionately for residents against a proposal to host rock/pop concerts at Manchester United between the end of May and end of June each year.  United propose to host up to 7 concerts each year in this period including concerts on consecutive nights like we had to endure from Take That.

    The planning committee and officers callously rejected our opposition. They rejected our claims that:

    • residents are entitled to peace in the close season
    • noise from the concerts and their dispersal would affect schoolwork at the most important time of the year
    • concert dispersal is harder to achieve than football supporters, who are familiar with the area. Concert goers tend to be younger with more loitering in the area waiting for lifts with a tendency not to appreciate the noise they’re making, having being enjoying loud amplified music for the previous hours.
    • that by allowing noise levels of up to 75db, they were ignoring planning guidance from the Noise Council that venues hosting more than 3 events a year should be limited to 15db(A) above background noise.

    What were the reasons for rejecting residents’ objections?

    Tory Councillor, Ken Weston said that clearly if residents were against the proposal, more of them would have written in. He believed this indicated that residents were not overly concerned.

    Tory Chair of Planning, Viv Ward legitimately felt that United were important employers and generators of prosperity in the borough, but disdainfully suggested that since the stadium had been there for a 100 years, households knew what they were living next to. It’s hard to avoid the implication that she feels that by living near the ground we lose our rights to peace and quiet at the whim of its American owners.

    The planning committee ignored the reasonable demand for peace at exam time and ignored the Noise Council’s guidance. When Tories say we’re all it together, what they mean is “put up and shut up”.

  • Planning Alerts. com

    You may have read in the press that Royal Mail has issued an injunction against a company that supplies post codes to Planning Alerts. See link.

    Whilst this hasn’t affected the feeds coming from Planning Alerts to our site as they are are longitude/latitude based, it does look likely to affect the long term viability of Planning Alerts com. This is important as the Trafford Planning database has been upgraded and it therefore requires a Planning Alerts volunteer to upgrade their database to revise the feed, and frankly I think there has to be question mark over whether we’ll ever get the trafford planning applications coming through in a manner that can be mapped on google.

    We’re still getting Manchester and Salford’s applications but I may have to rely on reposting the weekly list. Not as good but we’ll see.

    Sorry for a highly technical update

  • Sports Led Regeneration of Old Trafford Cricket Ground and Environs – Open letter to Consultation and Trafford Leisure Trust

    To LCCC Consultation and Bernie Jones, Chief Executive Trafford Leisure trust
    Following attendance at the neighbourhood forum consutation event on the Old Trafford regeneration, I wanted to put into writing my concern about the absence of Trafford Leisure Trust as a key proactive partner in this project.
    The project is a key strategic development. A core driver is sports led / themed and the regeneration area is an area that includes the dilapidated Stretford Sports Centre. The following points seem self evident:
    • that the current state of Stretford Sports Centre is an embarassment and undermines the ambition of this sports led regeneration.
    • that this regeneration project is a once in a lifetime opportunity to create in partnership a creative, sustainable and integrated sports provision that sets the bar higher than could be achieved working alone.
    It is timely that the leisure trust is scheduled for its annual presentation to the Council Executive next week. I would really welcome a more explicit commitment to move to the core of this project.
    Mike Cordingley
    Councillor for Gorse Hill
    0161 865 9228
    cc: Dr Gary Pickering, Chief Exec Trafford Council
    and posted publicly on the

    First Published 19 July 2009

  • Digital Switchover

    I went to the digital switchover event on Tuesday night for councillors and officers. I can’t add the publicity in terms of what to do to switch over but there was one particularly relevant advice. Apparently when the analogue service is terminated, the digital signal used by freeview TVs and boxes will be boosted tenfold.

    A lot of our residents suffer poor reception due to the container base and other tall buildings. Many of them (me included) have given up with trying to get a decent reception through an aerial. The chances are that the boosted reception improves things and could save many of us the monthly subscriptions we’re having to pay.

    Anyway, it might be worth giving it a try after November
    Mike Cordingley
    First Published 17 July 2009
  • Tesco Megastore

    Tonight’s neighbourhood forum was a bit of a shock. It was arranged at short notice to discuss the cricket ground renewal. As such, residents were invited from Great Stone Road and Talbot Road nearest to the cricket ground. Gorse Hill residents from the opposite side of Chester Road will have received no notice of the meeting and clearly weren’t aware of it. This was highly inappropriate.

    Tesco’s were at this meeting (unadvertised); and disclosed for the first time the sheer scale of their ambitions for the store on Chester Road. They want a store there that is even bigger than the one at Altrincham. At 140000 sq ft, it will be huge. They have had previous applications refused here for stores sized 88,000 sq ft, but rather than come back with a reduced plan, they’ve nearly doubled its size. Clearly they feel that the cricket ground development provides an opportunity for a sympathetic hearing. The cricket club makes no secret that it needs partners financially, but other than an easy passage, it’s difficult to see what Tesco’s gain from the cricket ground.
    It’s obvious that Gorse Hill needs to aware of the scale of this proposal and that this is going to be highly controversial.We welcome your comments.

    First Published 14 July 2009 with 4 comments