Author: admin

  • Roads and Pavements

    It’s that time of year again. Help us by telling us the roads and pavements that need attention in the Gorse Hill Ward.

    Use the reply section

  • Best Cameron?

    My David My David

    My personal favourites. Though the ‘Maybe it’s maybelline’ poster made me laugh. Click on the posters to go to the page

  • Kate Green supports residents on Channel M

    Kate Green and Dave Acton interviewed on Channel M in response to the Sankey’s withdrawal

  • Kate’s latest Progress Memo – Tory tax break plans don’t add up for poorest

    Why reward the deserter who remarries but penalise the parent who remains?

    21 January 2010
    The Tories’ costly proposal to offer a tax allowance for married couples has so much about it that’s just plain daft. There’s no evidence that tax breaks encourage the reluctant to the altar – yet the party that takes macho pride in how hard and fast it will cut the deficit is ready to waste money on a policy that doesn’t work. read more

  • ‘Sankey’s’ Licence Application @ the Quays

    Kate Green, our prospective parliamentary candidate attended a meeting with residents and developers on Wednesday night.

    (Click on image to view the developer’s brochure.)

    “It was a useful and well attended meeting. Whilst it was clear that these were ambitious plans, it remains that up to 16,000 people could be descending on Gorse Hill and the surrounding area late at night and in the early hours of the morning, creating havoc for residents. There are serious questions to be answered about adequate transport and crowd control as well
    as concerns about noise nuisance and public order offences. But once again, the Council seems to be bending over backwards for big
    business and ignoring residents’ worries about these issues”.

    Kate Green

    Following on so quickly with the council’s alarming disdain for the concerns of residents in connection with United’s hosting of stadium concerts, there’s a real worry that Trafford’s Conservatives once again neglect to impose any meaningful conditions, if it goes ahead.

    Excerpt from the weekly licensing list

    LA3749/09 23/12/2009 Stadium Point Limited, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford, Manchester, M17 1EX New Premises Licence :

    Sale of Alcohol (on)

    Mon-Sun :

    00.00 – 10.00 & 14.00 – 24.00

    Late Night Refreshment :

    Mon-Sun : 23.00 – 05.00

    Prov of Reg. Entertainment :

    00.00 – 24.00

    Prov. Of Entertainment Facilities :

    00.00 – 24.00


    We understand that the above application is for an international class venue on the Quays not far from the Imperial War Museum.  The proposal is from David Vincent’s Sankey group and from what we can gather, is not dissimilar to The Labyrinth project that was refused by Manchester’s licensing. is for a massive 24 hr live music venue.

    Already I understand there’s been a concerted effort to oppose the proposal with a leaflet drop in Gorse Hill.

    The Quays area is a mixed tourist/leisure and residential area these days but beyond the theatre, it has a weak night-time economy. Given that it’s away from the established residential area, would it be so inappropriate to have a world class venue such as this in the Quay’s area?

    The sheer scale of it means that dispersing that amount of people without disturbing the peace of residents on the Quays and throughout Gorse Hill and beyond becomes critical. I have grave doubts that it can be done, but even more worryingly, experience of Trafford’s Tories suggests that they’re unlikely to make any effort to even mitigate the disturbance.

    The opinions of the Lowry Centre and Hotel together with other businesses like Media City will be also be critical.

    It’s especially important to me that we learn your views.

    Mike Cordingley

    Gorse Hill Councillor Dave Acton adds:
    “I’m totally opposed to this proposal. People in this area have enough to put up with already with parking and traffic problems on match days at Manchester United and the cricket club. A 24 hours a day 365 days a
    year licence will create even more problems for local people in Gorse Hill and Longford. It’s absolutely unacceptable.”