Sports Led Regeneration of Old Trafford Cricket Ground and Environs – Open letter to Consultation and Trafford Leisure Trust

To LCCC Consultation and Bernie Jones, Chief Executive Trafford Leisure trust
Following attendance at the neighbourhood forum consutation event on the Old Trafford regeneration, I wanted to put into writing my concern about the absence of Trafford Leisure Trust as a key proactive partner in this project.
The project is a key strategic development. A core driver is sports led / themed and the regeneration area is an area that includes the dilapidated Stretford Sports Centre. The following points seem self evident:
  • that the current state of Stretford Sports Centre is an embarassment and undermines the ambition of this sports led regeneration.
  • that this regeneration project is a once in a lifetime opportunity to create in partnership a creative, sustainable and integrated sports provision that sets the bar higher than could be achieved working alone.
It is timely that the leisure trust is scheduled for its annual presentation to the Council Executive next week. I would really welcome a more explicit commitment to move to the core of this project.
Mike Cordingley
Councillor for Gorse Hill
0161 865 9228
cc: Dr Gary Pickering, Chief Exec Trafford Council
and posted publicly on the website

First Published 19 July 2009


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